Alleged Haunted Castles of England,Scotland Plus Wales Covering the period 1066 AD-1400 AD

Arundel CastleMedieval Castles Construction Timeline
Covering the period 1066 AD-1400 AD

11th Century Castle Construction

1066 AD
Pevensey Castle - see photo byNeil Alderney
Hastings Castle
Dover Castle
Canterbury Castle

Alnwick Castle1067 AD
Winchester Castle
Wallingford Castle
Norwich Castle
Launceston Castle

All the above were motte & bailey construction

1068 AD
Nottingham Castle
Warwick Castle
Arundel Castle
naworth castle constructed 1335Huntingdon Castle (motte & bailey)

1070 AD
Chester Castle
Windsor Castle - see photo by M Harrsch
Ely Castle (motte & bailey)

1071 AD
pevensey castle by Neil AlderneyRichmond Castle
Dudley Castle

1078 AD
Tower of London, the White Tower, Central Keep

1086 AD
Skipsea Castle (motte & bailey)

1087 AD
Lewes Castle
windsor castle by M Harrsch
1088 AD

1090 AD
Skipton Castle
Caernarvon Castle (wooden motte & bailey)
Portchester Castle
Brough Castle
Tynemouth Priory & Castle (priory constructed circa 1090) - see our photo

1092 AD
Appleby Castle

1093 AD
Pembroke Castle
Cardigan Castle
tynemouth priory and castleCarlisle Castle (motte & bailey)

1095 AD
Barnard Castle

1096 AD
Alnwick Castle- see our photo

12th Century Castle Construction
alnwick castle constructed 1096
1100 AD
Colchester Castle
Carew Castle
Stafford Castle
Fotheringhay Castle

1106 AD
Kidwelly Castle

1110 AD
Aberwystwyth Castle

1112 AD
kenilworth castle by John MukGloucester Castle

1117 AD
Berkeley Castle

1119 AD
Leeds Castle (Kent)

1120 AD
Sherborne Castle
Kenilworth Castle - see photo by John Muk

1122 AD
Carlisle Castle (stone construction)- see our photo
carlisle castle stone work from 1122
1127 AD
Rochester Castle

1129 AD
Greystoke Castle

1130 AD
Egremont Castle

1130's - no identifiable year
Scarborough Castle - see our photo
scarborough castle keep constructed 1130s
1134 AD
Cockermouth Castle

1135 AD
Banbury Castle

1136 AD
Bowes Castle

1139 AD
Luton Castle (wooden motte & bailey)

1144 AD
Faringdon Castle
warkworth castle constructed mid 12th century
1145 AD
Brightwell Castle

Mid 12th Century - no identifable year
Warkworth Castle (motte & bailey) - see our photo

1155 AD
Bolsover Castle

brougham castle constructed in early 13th century1158 AD
Caldicot Castle

1170 AD
Appleby Castle

1184 AD
Manchester Castle

13th Century Castle Construction

Early 13th Century - no identifiable year
Brougham Castle - see our photo

1230 AD
Criccieth Castle

1232 AD
Liverpool Castle

1233 AD
Tintagel Castle

1264 AD
Warwick Castle (Great Hall)

1277 AD
Rhuddlan Castle

1283 AD
Caernarvon Castle (stone work)
Harlech Castle

1dunstanburgh castle295 AD
Beaumaris Castle

1296 AD
Tynemouth Priory & Castle
(stone wall fortifications begun by Edward I)

1307 AD
Dacre Castle

1313 AD
Dunstanburgh Castle- see our photo

1335 AD
Naworth Castle- see our photo

1360 AD
Raby Castle

1370 AD
Threave Castle

1386 AD
Donnington Castle

1388 AD
Dartmouth Castle

1389 AD
Lumley Castle

1399 AD
Penrith Castle

Real (alleged) Haunted Castles
England,Scotland Plus Wales

Tower of London, London City

Tower of London, London UK - England

Castle Introduction
A world famous fortress founded by William the Conqueror. The UK's most popular historic site for visitors. Has served fulfilled many roles in its history, having been an armoury, prison and a royal palace at various times.

Castle Architectural Features
One of the greatest examples of Norman fortress construction. Layout and design are unique.

Further Information
The tower of London is said to be

Castle Built: 1066-67
Castle Period: Medieval
Nearest Main Town: London
Disabled Facilites: Partial. WC.
Castle Features
  • Open To Public
  • School & Group Visits
  • Restaurant
  • Tearoom
  • Gift Shop
  • Castle Is Haunted!

Contact Details

Tower of London
UK - England

0870 751 5177The Tower of London is the symbol of English sovereignty as well as being the repository of the Crown Jewels. A White Tower was built on the site by William the Conqueror in 1078 AD upon the old Roman walls and it was completed in 1097 AD. Since that time, many Kings and Queens have added towers to the structure resulting in the impregnable stronghold which we see today. There have been torture chambers in the crypt of the White Tower and many executions have taken place out on Tower Green and it is the latter fact which probably explains the numerous ghosts which have apparently been sighted within the walls of this magnificent edifice.

Probably the earliest recorded ghost at the Tower would be that of the martyred Saint Thomas Becket whose ghost first appeared during the 13th century at the time when the Traitor's Gate was being built. This was witnessed by a priest.

In 1804 AD, a soldier in the Tower named Corporal Jones saw a woman in a white dress with a red pattern on it coming towards him but as she approached, he realised that what he thought was a red pattern was in fact blood and that the woman was headless!

Later enquiries brought to light that a guardsmen in 1784 AD had murdered his wife and cut off her head. Apparently the head was never recovered so this perhaps explains the reappearance of the poor lady's ghost still searching for her head.

During the 19th century there were at least two sightings of a ghostly bear which on both occasions, guards tried to bayonet to no avail.

The keeper of the crown jewels, Edmund Lenthal Swifte is also said to have been dining with his family in the Martin Tower where one of the bear encounters had been seen when his wife screamed and he saw a strange cylinder shaped apparition come into view. It appeared to be filled with a blue bubbling liquid and it was only after Swifte threw a chair at the apparition that it disappeared.

In the aptly named Bloody Tower, there have been many hauntings reported over the centuries which is hardly surprising due to its gruesome reputation. It is in this Tower that the two small sons of King Edward IV known as the little princes are said to have been murdered in 1483 AD on the orders of their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester although there is no definite proof that this actually happened. However it is reported that in the late 15th century, guards in the Tower saw two small shadowy figures gliding down towards them and of course they were presumed to be the ghosts of the two royal princes.

Certainly the most famous ghost said to haunt the Tower of London would have to be that of Anne Boleyn. She was certainly a little unusual having six fingers on one hand and frequently being suspected of practising witchcraft. Her real undoing however was in her finding the charms of other men more alluring than those of her husband Henry VIII. Anne was executed on Tower Green in 1536 AD and her headless corpse was buried under the floor of the Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula. It's hardly surprising that she is said to haunt both the Chapel and the Green and also make appearances in the corridor of the White Tower and at the King's House which is a residence of the Governor of the Tower. It is in the King's house where she was imprisoned before her execution where she is said to walk with her head tucked under her arm on May 19th - the anniversary of her death. In fact the sightings of Anne Boleyn are too numerous to all be listed here but it is generally thought that her appearances are a sort of portent of doom on the night before some other poor soul is due to meet their end.

Another wife of Henry VIII, Catherine Howard was convicted by Henry of adultery and sentenced to die at the hands of the axemen. It is said that when the time came for her execution, she ran from the executioner who pursued her then took hold of her and hacked off her head. Occasionally, her cries are heard outside the room where she was kept prior to her execution.

These are only a few of the hauntings and ghostly appearances out of the many attributed to this great mediaeval fortress. Others include squads of ghostly soldiers marching and ghostly funeral carriages as well as other ghostly historical celebrities such as in 1985 when Sir Walter Raleigh was apparently seen walking around one of the Towers.

One thing is for sure and that is that a place such as the Tower of London with such a turbulent, tragic and macabre history is sure to continue to provide ghostly tales and spectral sightings for a long time to come!

Eastnor CastleEastnor Castle Near Ledbury, UK - England 
Originally home to John First Earl Somers and currently to the Hervey-Bathurst family, the castle houses works of art, furniture, tapestries and one of the finest collections of armour in Britain. Notable royal and political figures in history have enjoyed visits to the castle including Queen Mary.

Alnwick CastleAlnwick Castle Alnwick, UK - England The history of Alnwick Castle goes back to the late 11th century, just after the Norman Conquest. Defending the English border with Scotland was its primary purpose and it was besieged in 1172 and 1174 the then King of Scotland. In 1309 it was purchased by the 1st Baron Percy and has been the family home of the Duke of Northumberland ever since (almost 700 years)

Arundel CastleArundel Castle Arundel, UK - England
Home to the Dukes of Norfolk (Anne Boleyn's family) and the Earls of Arundel, the castle has a significant, long history dating back to the Norman Conquest. The castle houses many works of art, tapestries and wonderful examples of armour and weaponry plus 16th century furniture and a Gothic library. Reputed to be haunted - read more about Haunted Arundel Castle

Blackness Castle Blackness, UK - Scotland
Built by Sir George Crichton in the 1440's. Passed to King James II in 1453 and has been owned by the crown since then. Fell to Oliver Cromwell in 1650. After 1667 used as a prison and held amongst others many covenanters. After the union of England and Scotland it became one of the four castles in Scotland used by the British army. Briefly used as an ammunition depot until 1912 and then by the army during WW1. Castle reputed to be haunted - see our Haunted Blackness Castle page.

Brodie Castle Forres, UK - Scotland
Lime harled building is a typical Z plan tower house with ornate corbelled battlements and bartizans. Started 1567 with 17th and 19th century additions. Reputed to be haunted - see our Haunted Brodie Castle page

Carlisle Castle

haunted carlisle castle keepThe following account was contributed to based on the author's own real life experience ...

An Eventful History Dominating the city of Carlisle for 900 years, Carlisle Castle was continually reworked and remodelled as a fortress until well within living memory. Its brooding presence reflects its long and eventful history. The site was an important Roman fortress. Today, the castle still plays a prominent role in Cumbria as one of its best unknown landmarks.

The squat, frowning keep, begun during the 12th century by King Henry I of England and completed by King David I of Scotland, is both the oldest part of the castle and a reminder that Carlisle was a disputed frontier fortress, long commanding the especially turbulent western end of the Anglo-Scottish border. The keep houses displays about the castle's history, from medieval assaults and the exploits of Elizabethan Border Reivers, to the Civil War siege and Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite Rising of 1745-6.

Carlisle was then the very last English fortress ever to suffer a siege: overwhelmed by Cumberland's Hanoverian army in December 1745.

carvings carlisle castleEqually famous are the strange and fantastic carvings on the keep's second floor, cut in about 1480 (see photo)

The Warden's Apartments in D’Ireby’s Tower, the outer gatehouse has also been furnished as it would have been in the 13th century.

King Richard III, then the Duke of Gloucester became the Warden of the West Marches in 1470 aged just 18 years and by the time of his death at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, he was the Duke of Cumberland. During the 15 or so years that he was the Warden he alternated between The Tile Tower, situated in the city wall on the castle orchard, and Penrith Castle; he seemed to have spent his life accumulating titles and offices.

By the time Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned in Carlisle Castle in 1567-8 by Elizabeth I, Henry, Lord Scrope was then Warden of the West Marches. Henry VIII's rebuilding of the castle for heavy artillery had left its mark on Carlisle, including the keep's rounded 'shot-deflecting' battlements and the Half Moon Battery defending the Captain's Tower gateway. The castle's military history did not end after the Jacobite Rising: Fear of a radical revolution made it a permanently occupied garrison from the 1820s, when the barrack blocks lining the outer ward were begun. Indeed the castle remained the headquarters of the Border Regiment until 1959, and the 300-year history of Cumbria's famous infantry regiment is vividly told in Cumbria's Military Museum (Tel 01228 532774) which is housed within the castle grounds. Note: the castle admission charge includes free entry to the museum.

Strange Happenings During the castle’s long and eventful life, things have happened that are bound to leave a mark ... now the spooky bit! There are many old stories, some of which are true, some of which have some truth in them and of course some of which have grown with the castle. To the author’s knowledge there are the following:

· the apparitions of two medieval soldiers on the top floor of the keep; they keep themselves to themselves but they will sometimes show themselves.

· the ghost of King Stephen which leans against the wall in the upper keep next to the model of the City of Carlisle; strangely if you look from the front of the model you can see his front and if you walk around the model to the rear you can see his back.

· the spirit of the old caretaker (there is a picture of him in life sitting at Queen Mary’s Table in the keep) which sits in a chair near the old bell. He will present himself as whatever you wish to see. A black shadowy figure seen by almost anyone who has worked at the castle wanders around in the inner keep and there is also a different shadow on the half moon battery.

· a yeoman of an indeterminate era which walks up and down the pathway running in front of the cellblock towards the old Regimental Headquarters. A caretaker doing his rounds once met a lost soldier on the stairs in Ypres block and when he told the soldier which way to go he realised he was wearing the wrong uniform for the period.

· a sentry which sits on guard just inside the archway of the inner keep. Always there, the eternal sentinel.

Another old story is of the sentry, who saw the lady dressed in white and bayoneted her only to watch her disappear; he subsequently dropped dead later that night from fright.

Once when locking Ypres block for the night, a Territorial Army Sergeant Major noticed that a light had been left on in the top floor classroom. A Corporal ran back upstairs and opened the classroom door to find it in darkness. Opening a window he shouted down to the Sergeant Major that the light was off, only to be told that it wasn’t; the Corporal was back downstairs in record time. I can confirm this story, I was the Corporal.

In Cumbria's Military Museum within the castle grounds, several unexplained ‘happenings’ have occurred …

· the one about the alarm being set off three nights in a row stopped when an engineer replaced a faulty sensor

· footsteps can be heard upstairs when the place is empty and on the back stairs a playful ghost pretends to push you down the stairs or pull you back without any malice just having a laugh.

· in the lower gallery there seems to be almost constant movement near the Arnhem display; nothing concrete but out of the corner of your eye it’s always ‘What was that?’

There are numerous things wandering about Carlisle Castle which makes it well worth a visit but perhaps the best - and one of the best I have seen - is the Cherry Blossom tree outside what is known as Alma Block. When the nights wear on and the dusk comes earlier and earlier at certain times of the year something will play peep-eye around the tree!

None of the above is designed to frighten anyone - these are benign ghosts simply getting on with the jobs they had in life. However, it is fascinating to get a glimpse of a previous age

Muncaster Castle

muncaster castle, cumbriaMuncaster Castle has been home to the Pennington family since the mid-13th century and it is believed by many to be one of the country’s most haunted castles.

Indeed there are several ghosts with which it is associated.

Recent archaeological excavations suggest the site of the Castle which is situated near Ravenglass in Cumbria, may once have been the location of a spectacular Roman fort. Today however, three generations of Pennington’s share their home with the visiting tourists, and possibly the ghosts which are said to roam throughout the castle. Patrick Gordon Duff Pennington, a current resident of the castle has said that in the winter time he frequently hears footsteps following him in the dark!

Muncaster has at least four known ghostly tenants:
Unsurprisingly one of them is Henry VI who was murdered in the Tower of London after Edward IV victory at the Battle of Tewkesbury and he appears in the chamber he occupied possibly wanting to return to a place where he felt happy and in the company of loyal subjects.

A much more disconcerting spectre is that of a young carpenter murdered in the late 16th century. Apparently he had fallen in love with Helwise, the daughter of Ferdinand Pennington who was incensed by this and ordered his jester Thomas Skelton known as 'Tom Fool' to murder the poor carpenter which Tom gleefully did, severing the carpenter's head and bringing it to Sir Ferdinand as proof. The carpenters headless body is said to stalk the battlements of Muncaster to this day.

But the murder of this poor carpenter was not the only accomplishment attributed to 'Tom Fool' . It was well known that he would sit under a chestnut tree which still grows outside the castle and if any wayfarers came upon him asking for directions, he would direct them to nearby quicksand rather to the London Road which they would be seeking! There is a portrait of 'Tom Fool' which now hangs at the end of a corridor at Muncaster Castle and he is said to make an appearance there as well as his occasional appearance on the battlements. Tom actually made out his own will which is displayed next to his portrait and in it he foretold his own death by drowning. A female tourist gazing at Tom's portrait is said to have heard footsteps coming up behind her clattering as if on a stone floor. The fact that the corridor floor is carpeted made this an even more strange occurrence. But of all the rooms at Muncaster Castle, the Tapestry room is probably the most haunted of all. It is situated in a remote little used wing of the castle and many people who have stayed there have reported strange mutterings and the sound of a child crying in the room. A friend of this author, Charles James Ruthven Howard, Earl of Carlisle, said he also came face-to-face with a weeping child when he stayed in the Tapestry room. This was the only occasion that he stayed there and he was woken up in the middle of the night by the weeping cries of a young child. He admitted that he had never been more terrified in his life than at that moment.

There have also been even more terrifying reports in the Tapestry room of black figures leaning over the fourposter bed and a black featureless figure walking into the Tapestry room and vanishing!

The grounds at Muncaster Castle are also said to be haunted by ghosts in particular that of the
'White Lady' which is believed was a certain Mary Bragg a local woman murdered in 1805 AD.

Tintagel Castle

tintagel castleTintagel Castle is set on a dramatic headland. It is connected to the mainland by a slim finger of land and as such it is almost an island. In the year 1233 AD, Richard the Earl of Cornwall acquired Tintagel and built the castle on the headland in the year 1236 AD.

Richard probably wanted to associate himself with the popular Arthurian legend as the location was a difficult place to build a castle and the area probably had no strategic value.

Today, not much now remains of this once mighty fortress that traditionally is held to have been the birthplace of England's most famous King: Arthur son of Uther Pendragon. The pounding of the ocean beneath for so many years gradually broke the mass of grey stone apart and by the 15th century the castle was already in ruins.

Every year more and more of the castle falls down into the turbulent waters. In the bay below the castle is a dark dank cave said to be the haunting place of the ghost of Merlin and any people brave enough to venture inside this eerie place will not stay for long on account of its truly chilling

Dunstanburgh Castle

dunstanburgh castle, northumberlandDunstanburgh Castle is in fact the largest Castle in Northumberland and today this windswept ruin - originally built in the 14th century during the border wars, can be located 9 miles northeast of Alnwick where it dramatically dominates the coastline from high upon the Great Whin Sill.

The castle was built by Thomas Earl of Lancaster who although he was nephew to King
Edward II, eventually lead a rebellion against the king after relations between the two had turned sour.

Unfortunately for Thomas, he was captured and eventually tried for treason in Pontefract Castle then executed on the hill north of St John's Priory in a particularly gruesome manner. It is said that the executioner had not had enough experience and that it took him 11 blows to sever the head with the axe! Not surprisingly the tortured ghost of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster is now said to haunt the ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle carrying his mutilated head!

Another ghostly story from this fine mediaeval ruin is of a gallant knight called Sir Guy who went to shelter amidst there ruins of Dunstanburgh castle only to be confronted according to legend by a hideous creature dressed in white urging him to follow to where he would be rewarded by a 'beauty bright'. Sir Guy followed the figure up a winding staircase into a room containing hundreds sleeping knights and their horses and in the centre of the room a sparkling casket the in which lay sleeping, a beautiful maiden. Supposedly, on either side of the maiden were serpents, one holding a sword the other a horn and Sir Guy was told that he could wake the Lady but he must choose either the sword or the horn as only one of these objects would actually awaken her. Sir Guy chose the horn and blew it but this only served to awaken the sleeping knights who made to attack him causing Sir Guy to faint.

Apparently the knight awoke near the ruins of the Gate House totally baffled as to what had happened but he determined to find the sleeping maiden again and so it is said to have become an obsession and that he spent the rest of his life searching the castle for the room in which she had lain and he is supposed to have died a broken man.

Of course it is his ghost that is said to wander the castle still seeking the 'beauty bright' amongst the ruins of this imposing castle. (see
Pontefract Castle)

Warkworth Castle

Haunted Warkworth CastleWarkworth Castle was built in the 12th century as a fortification against the marauding Scots. In the 14th century it passed into the hands of the powerful Percy family of Northumberland. It stands in an imposing position atop a precipitous hill.

A short distance from the castle hidden away on a heavily wooded river bank are the remains of a hermitage, carved in the rock. It consists of a chapel and living quarters and is a beautiful lonely place which can still be reached by ferry boat. This place along with the castle itself will feature in the tragic tale of the ghost which is said to still haunt Warkworth Castle and estate.

The legend goes as follows:
Bertram de Bothal of Bothal Castle fell in love with a beautiful lady named Isabel Widdrington and although she felt attracted to the young man, she wanted to see more proof of his love for her and so she presented him with an engraved helmet and she told him that if he would wear it bravely in battle then he would have her hand in marriage. Shortly after Bertram had his opportunity
Lord Percy crossed the border pursuing Scottish raiders and in the ensuing battle Bertram fought courageously but was very seriously wounded and taken back to England to recuperate. Isabel on hearing the news felt very guilty about her foolish challenge and set out with only a single manservant guarding her to reach him and nurse him better. After a week passed, Isabel still had not arrived and although Bertram was not fully recovered he left his bed and set out with his younger brother to search the Borderlands for her. Crossing the border into Scotland, they decided to go in different directions to cover a wider area.

After a few days, Bertram learned that Isabel was held prisoner in the castle of a notorious border raider and he hurried to the castle which he spied upon from nearby. On the second night of his vigil, he was awakened by voices and saw a woman climbing down a rope from the tower and a man dressed in tartan helping her. Recognizing the woman as Isabel, Bertram followed the couple away from the castle and then confronted them demanding that the Scotsman should release Isabel. In a rage, Bertram struck out at the man who fell to the ground without being given the chance to reply and when Bertram raised his sword to strike again, Isabel flung herself between them and received the full force of his sword falling mortally wounded before him.

Isabel used her dying words to explain how Bertram's brother had disguised himself as a Scot and had arranged for her escape from the castle. It was his own brother that he had killed! Desperate with grief, Bertram returned to Northumberland where he was granted sanctuary by Lord Percy at Warkworth Castle.

After a while, Bertram renounced all his wealth and possessions and left the Castle to build the hermitage nearby, carving the chapel out of the rock face. It is here that he spent many lonely hours in prayer and meditation until his death. Into the chapel rock he carved the following in Latin: 'my tears have been my meat by day and by night'. Not surprisingly it is the inconsolable ghost of Bertram de Bothal that still haunts the hermitage and castle to this day

Chillingham Castle

chillingham castle, northumberlandChillingham Castle came into the ownership of the Grey family of Wark around the time of the 13th century.

In the 17th century, the North and South fronts of the castle were redesigned by Inigo Jones and in 1828 formal gardens were designed for the castle in the Italian style.

After 1980, Sir Humphrey Wakefield, an English baronet purchased Chillingham Castle and he had a special interest in it because his wife Lady Wakefield is a descendant of the Greys herself.

The castle contains many notable rooms including the
Edward I room, the banqueting hall, the James I drawing room and the castle library. These are ancient and historic rooms. On the darker side, Chillingham also contains a mediaeval torture chamber complete with rack, nailed barrel, spiked chair, thumbscrews, iron maiden, cages, branding irons and many other nasty devices. There is even a real dungeon and through a trap door in the floor the skeletal remains of a child may be seen in the vault below!
Not surprisingly in such a castle, there are many reports of ghosts and frightening occurrences. Here are some of them:
Possibly the best-known ghost from Chillingham Castle is generally referred to as the 'Blue Boy' or the 'Radiant Boy'. He has been most commonly sighted in the 'Pink Room' which is actually part of the private apartments of the family in residence. It is said that on one occasion as the clock chimed midnight, the haunted cries of a suffering child were heard coming from a spot near to a passage cut through the 10 foot thick wall into the adjoining tower.

A blue light is said to have then appeared close to an old fourposter bed followed by the occupant catching sight of a ghostly young boy all dressed in blue and surrounded by the light. He is said to have been dressed in the style from the period King Charles II. During the 1920s, restoration work caused the wall to be opened and inside the bones of a young boy were found along with scraps of blue dress.
The bones were taken away and given a Christian burial in a nearby churchyard and apparently the Blue Boy stopped appearing after that although people are said to still see unusual flashes of blue light in the room in the dark of the night.

Another well reported ghost at Chillingham Castle is that of Lady Mary Berkeley who was the wife of Lord Grey of Wark. The latter is supposed to have runaway with her sister Lady Henrietta causing a great scandal during the reign of King Charles II. Possibly her ghost is still trying to find her unfaithful husband. At any rate she was left alone, deserted with only her child as a companion and to this day there have been many reports of the rustle of her dress as she is said to move along the corridors in a desperate search for her errant husband.

There is an inner pantry at Chillingham in which traditionally, the Tankervilles silver was stored. As it was very valuable, a Footman always slept there to guard it. After retiring to bed one evening, the Footman was confronted by a very pale lady in white who asked him for a drink of water and naturally thinking she must be a guest of the castle, he turned to go get a drink for her. When he turned back, she had disappeared and he suddenly realised of course that he was locked in the inner pantry and that no one could possibly have entered!

Even in the library at Chillingham, many people have reported hearing male voices talking or whispering when there is no one in fact there. The more people try to listen to what voices are saying, the more the voices disappear.

All of these ghostly appearances and occurrences along with many more have led people to dub Chillingham Castle: 'The Most Haunted Castle In Britain'!

Okehampton Castle

okehampton castle, devonOkehampton Castle, a motte and bailey castle, is the largest castle in Devon and the ruins which stand today are situated near the northern edge of Dartmoor.

The castle dates from the late 11th century having Norman origins and is mentioned in the Domesday Book (completed in 1086 AD) which states that at that time it was in the possession of Baldwin de Brionne, the Sheriff of Devon.

Most of the surviving structure, including the bulk of the keep and the curtain walls, is of 14th century construction. It was abandoned in 1539 AD when its owner at that time the Marquis of Exeter was found guilty of treason and executed by Henry VIII.
One of the strangest legends attributed to this Castle is the one of Lady Howard who supposedly rides in a carriage constructed of the bones of four of her husbands that she murdered. It is said to be driven between Okehampton Park and her old home in Tavistock by a ghostly headless coachman accompanied by an equally ghostly skeletal dog! The legend has it that each night Lady Howard has to convey a single blade of grass from the castle grounds and return it to Tavistock and this she apparently must do as punishment for her sins. It is said that once every blade of grass has been transported, the world might come to an end! In fact the real Lady Howard - yes she did actually live!, did have four husbands and she did outlive all of them but there is no evidence to say that she definitely did murder them.

Apart from the aforementioned story, there have been many other strange reported occurrences at the castle including a visitor who photographed a strange ghostly shape at a window at the top of the keep and also numerous sightings of a ghostly black dog.

Tamworth Castle

tamworth castle, staffordshireTamworth Castle with its well preserved multi-angled keep, has stood high on a mound overlooking the River Tame since the late 12th century.

The castle was first constructed in 913 AD by Alfred the Great's daughter then later, William the Conqueror, after his Norman Conquest, gave the land to his supporter Robert De Marmion who set about building the keep and curtain walls visible today. The middle room of the Norman tower is known as the ghost room and in it, a ghostly Nun has been sighted.

She is known as the black lady of Tamworth. Apparently this goes back to when De Marmion expelled the nuns from the nearby convent at Polesworth when he built the castle. There are many ghostly happenings in this great castle which have long been without explanation but the most famous ghosts associated with the castle are the Black Lady and the White Lady. The story goes that the White Lady was captured and locked in the Tower by the wicked Sir Tarquin. But after a while she fell in love with him and is said to walk the battlements around the castle, weeping over her lover - slain by Sir Lancelot du Lac, who came to rescue her. Apparently the White Lady threw herself from the battlements when she found that Sir Tarquin was dead. Her ghost has often been seen walking the Battlements and her mournful cries heard.

The Black Lady is supposedly the ghost of a nun called Editha who founded her order in the 9th century. The nuns were said to have been expelled from their Convent by Robert de Marmion. The nuns in their angry prayers were said to have called Editha from beyond the grave. Legend has it that one night in 1139 AD after a lavish banquet, Marmion was attacked by Edithas ghost, who warned him that unless the nuns were restored their convent, the Baron would meet an untimely death. Just before she vanished the spectre hit the Baron on the side with the point of her crosier; the wound was so terrible that Marmion's cries awoke the whole Castle. His pain only ceased when this vow was taken and the nuns returned to Polesworth.

Berry Pomeroy Castle

berry pomeroy castleOnce a stronghold of the powerful de Pomeroy family who came over during the Norman Conquest, today this once mighty castle is no more than a ruin. The crumbling remains are perched high on a crag, hidden by dense woodland.

The Castle was constructed towards the end of the 13th century by Henry de Pomeroy.

His predecessor Ralf de Pomeroy been given the land as a reward for his loyalty during the Norman invasion and at the
Battle of Hastings.

Berry Pomeroy Castle was still in the hands of the Pomeroy family until the late 1540s when it fell under the control of Sir Edward Seymour who was the Lord protector and the brother of Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII. It was Edward who commissioned the building of a manor house within the Norman castle and thus created the mixed architectural styles which can be seen today. Edward unfortunately made many enemies and was eventually executed in the Tower of London in 1552 AD. After this time, the castle remained in the hands of the Seymour family until 1688 when it was eventually abandoned.

Inside the crumbling walls of this great castle, several ghosts are said to wander. A Blue Lady apparently haunts the 16th century manor house. It is said she became pregnant by her own father and when the baby was born, smothered it leaving her forever doomed to to wander the ruins in painful regret.

However, beneath the 15th century Margaret's tower, reached by a winding stone staircase leading to a dark dungeon, there is a dreadful feeling of foreboding to be found. It is said that here, the evil Eleanor de Pomeroy in a cruel act of spite, imprisoned and starved her sister Margaret to death because they both fell in love with the same man.

Margaret's misty form has been said to appear in the depths of the tower and many have said that they have felt her presence in the stairway leading to her former prison cell.

Corfe Castle

corfe castleWell protected by steep cliffs, today, Corfe Castle in Dorset is not much more than a hollow shell - a shadow of its former self.

In the year 978 AD, long before the present Castle was built, it is said that King Edward the Martyr was murdered at Corfe by his stepmother who wanted to replace him with her own son, Ethelred ‘the Unready’.

Supposedly while stag hunting in the Purbeck forest, Edward visited Corfe, where Elfryda is said to have given him a goblet of wine, then treacherously had someone stab him in the back while he drank it.

The building of Corfe castle was begun by William the Conqueror but it was
King John who developed it into a royal residence adding a new Hall, Chapel and outbuildings. Corfe was one of his favourite castles and in the years between 1199 AD and 1216 AD he added greatly to its defences. During his reign the castle was also often used as a prison and many prisoners met their deaths there. In 1572 AD Elizabeth I sold it to her dancing master Sir Christopher Hatton and in 1635 it passed into the ownership of Sir John Bankes the Lord Chief Justice.

At the time of English Civil War, the castle was admirably defended by Lady Bankes until evidently in February 1646 AD she was betrayed by one of her own men and when Cromwell's Parliamentary soldiers took control, they reduced the castle very quickly to the ruin that we see today. Not too many years after this time, stories began to circulate of ghostly occurrences and the most well-known spectral appearance is that of the headless 'White Lady' who sends shivers down the spine of any person who chances upon her before she fades away out of sight

OK!!!! We had added this castle, We had to put this castle in the our haunted castles,Even though she is not in UK borders. Enjoy!!!

Dracula Castle Introduction.

It was the writer and novelist Bram Stoker (pictured left) who in the 19th century really put Transylvania on the map when he made it the setting for his novel about Count Dracula - the world's most famous vampire!

However, it wasn't until fairly recent times that people realised that Stoker had based his character of Count Dracula on a real historical figure who was renowned in his time probably more than anything else for his cruelty and sadistic nature although he was also a very wily and cunning warlord. His name was Prince Vlad Dracula and today he is remembered by the nickname: 'the impaler'.Vlad Dracula (pictured right) is reputed to have performed such horrific acts as disembowelling his pregnant mistress as well as collecting the noses of 24,000 of his beaten enemies in order to send them to another foe! Even by the standards of his time, he was exceptionally cruel.

It cannot however be denied that Vlad left a legacy of fortified palaces and castles which he inherited and greatly developed and which have survived through the centuries.

In spite of his many cruelties, in Romania Vlad Dracula is remembered today as a national hero

Bran Castle and Tirgoviste

One of the places he stayed was the imposing Bran Castle (pictured right) to which today thousands of tourists come in the belief that it was the home of Count Dracula as described in Bram Stoker's novel.

In later years this Castle was extensively modernised by the Romanian royalty particularly at the start of the 20th century but the remains of the original castle which would have been there when Vlad visited in the 1450s are still in existence.

This would have been the perfect place from which Vlad could launch his bid for power. This he did when in 1456 AD, Vlad seized the Princedom of the southern province of Wallachia taking Tirgoviste as his capital city - a move which followed tradition.

In these early days, it really was a case of kill or be killed and Vlad very much expected to be assassinated himself if he did not act quickly. The same boyars or landowners who had assassinated his father had to be dealt with or Vlad would never be safe. With self protection in mind, Vlad set about building and fortifying his palace complex at Tirgoviste.
This was a project which had been started by his grandfather but Vlad went to extraordinary lengths in its development building a watchtower which would give him a clear and panoramic view of his surrounding area and encasing the whole complex in walls which would have been at least 5 feet thick.

Underneath the Palace, he also developed a vast complex of cellars which many believe housed his own private torture chambers (pictured below - click on photo to see interior dungeon).

When the palace complex was completed, it was a highly defensible series of barriers which would have provided many hurdles which are potential attacker would have had to overcome. With his sanctuary of Tirgoviste complete, Vlad set about, with his legendary cunning, the task of getting rid of the boyars for this would be the only way he could gain and retain absolute power.

In 1457 AD on Easter Sunday, Vlad invited the boyars to a feast in his great Hall and during the feast he asked them how many lords they had had and none of them could remember because of course there have been so many due to the fact that the boyars themselves had got rid of them.

This response condemned the boyars to death and it is said that Vlad had 500 of them impaled on stakes so that they would die a horrible death. However, Vlad Dracula did not kill all of the men right away. For some, he had a more productive but slower end in mind! This would be the building of the Castle Poenari.

Vlad Dracula's Legacy

Inevitably probably due to numbers of men, Vlad was driven back to his sanctuary at Poenari - Castle Dracula the position of which would make it impossible for the Turks to make a full frontal assault. However, he could not stay there and needed to escape. 

A story is still told today of the ingenious manner in which Vlad made his escape from the Turks. He is said to have reversed the horseshoes on his horses hooves and ridden out of the castle Poenari into Transylvania and exile whilst fooling the Turks into believing that he was actually still in the castle.

10 years later Vlad would return to his palace in Bucharest when the time was right to once again make plans to repel a new Turkish invasion. However, before he could get far, his reign came to an end when he either died in battle or was murdered - no one really knows exactly what happened to him and his last resting place remains a mystery to this day.

Shaun Underwood Says!

I have worked in Ukraine over the past five years on and off, Sadly this is one location I never got around to investigating. Ukraine borders with CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS
Carpathian Mountains Carpathian Mountains are considered to be the Green Pearl of Ukraine. It is one of the most popular resorts and tourist centers of the country. A beautiful mix of natural areas, forests, meadows, shepherds and humans living in harmony with nature is what makes the mountains so sttractive to tourists! An original nature of territory, beauty of its Alpine meadows and woods, rough rivers and mountain lakes, soft climate, curative mineral sources, the historical and architectural monuments can attract everyone to themselves. Thousands of tourists and people who like travels and adventures come here. The Ukrainian Carpathians are relatively gentle peaks that rise as high as 2061 m (Mt. Hoverla). The largest resorts are located in Slavsko, Bukovel, Tysovets, and Dragobrat. Some of the smaller resorts are in Krasiya, Dolyna, Beskid, Polyana, Synevir, Yaremche, Verkhovnya, Kosiv, and Yavoriv. Detailed information on the above mentioned resorts can be found by CLICKING HERE So even though Ive had few trips there I never got around to investigating this location as this is my number 5 all times castles on my MUST INVESTIGATE. If anyone has then drop me an email with any pictures ,information thank you.
Haunted Castles Scotland

Abergeldie Castle, Scotland

abrergeldie castle, scotlandAbergeldie Castle stands only 2 miles from the Royal family's country home at Balmoral and dates from the 16th century.

The castle has had many well-known guests over the years and these have even included royalty. Sadly, there has also been an uninvited guest who has made herself known to the occupants over the centuries.

She is known as Kittie Rankie or sometimes French Kate. Apparently she was a woman of French origin who was at one time employed in the castle.

It is said that this unfortunate lady was accused of practising black magic and arrested soon after to be charged with witchcraft.

After confinement in the castle she was eventually found guilty and thereafter taken to a local hill where she was tied to a stake and burnt for her supposed crimes. Evidently this poor soul returned to haunt the castle after her death


The Castle of Mey, Scotland

castle of mey, scotlandOriginally called Barrogill Castle, the Castle of Mey was built in the 16th century on the site of an earlier fortification by George Sinclair, the 4th Earl of Caithness.

It stands in the distant north of Scotland a few miles away from John O'Groats and was formerly the Highland home of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth the late Queen Mother who purchased it in 1952 then set about restoring it with much love and care.

The castle is said to be haunted by the ghost of a Green Lady who appears from time to time in a room in the old tower. The story goes that she was Elizabeth, a member of the Sinclair family who fell in love with a local farm worker who was most definitely considered by her father to be of too lowly birth for his daughter. Accordingly the girl's father confined his daughter to the tower hoping to keep her away from the lad and also hoping that she would think better of the relationship.

Apparently one day, the unfortunate girl leaned too far out of the window trying to catch a glimpse of her love as he worked in the fields and sadly she lost her balance and fell to her death from the tower. Either that or she deliberately threw herself to her death as a result of her unhappy state.

Duntrune Castle, Scotland

Scottish haunted castleDuring the 17th century, Duntrune Castle, standing in a spectacular position overlooking Loch Crinan in Argyll, was well-known as a seat of the Campbell clan. A certain enemy of the Campbell clan was an Irishman named Coll Ciotach who hated the Campbell's and brought his troops over to Scotland to wage war upon them.

By means of a crafty ploy, Coll sent to a piper on ahead to try and ingratiate himself with the Campbell's in order to learn the required information to facilitate an attack. At first all went fairly well, and as was the custom in those days, the piper was warmly welcomed and guaranteed hospitality in return for a few good tunes from his pipes. However, the Campbell's became suspicious of the pipers, curiosity, and not wanting to kill him, they locked him in a tower, while they decided what to do with him. Near to the castle in hiding, Coll's men were now becoming restless and he decided to launch his attack anyway. The piper, realising that Coll's men would be outnumbered, decided to send them the signal and played an alarm on his pipes. And on hearing this, the attacking forces retreated to safety. Of course the Campbell's had heard his pipes, and they stormed into the tower room from where they dragged the poor piper out and cut his fingers from his hands, leaving him to bleed to death.

Many years later,a fingerless skeleton was discovered at the castle, and it was given a proper burial. But in spite of this, it appears that the spirit of this restless piper remains to haunt the castle, and many have said that they have heard ghostly pipes playing in the tower room, and others have experienced poltergeist type activity generally attributed to the brave piper.

Fyvie Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

fyvie castle, scotlandFyvie is one of Scotland’s most magnificent castles. Its walls are crowned by five majestic towers, each, according to legend, a monument to the five families - Preston, Meldrum, Seton, Gordon and Leith - who, over the years, helped create this great stronghold.

Fyvie is now run by the Scottish National Trust but it retains the atmosphere of a family home. Now to the ghosts!

One of the ghosts of Fyvie Castle is a mysterious Grey Lady and although it is now believed that this particular spirit is at peace, she first made an appearance around 1920. The story goes that around that time, a strange mass of fungus appeared on a wall in the castle's gun room and the owner of the castle: Lord Leith hired in builders to try and deal with the problem but when they removed part of the wall they discovered a skeleton which of course was removed from the area. However, immediately after this, the sightings of the Grey Lady began. Eventually, needing to put a stop to the ghostly appearances of the Green Lady, the Laird directed that the skeleton be put back behind the wall which the builders then rebuilt.

Strangely enough this did appear to have the desired effect as the ghostly appearances of the Grey Lady ceased and she was not seen again after that time at Fyvie Castle.

Another ghost said to haunt Fyvie, is the "Green Lady", said to be Dame Lillias Drummond, cruelly starved to death by her husband, Sir Alexander Seton, who callously then quickly remarried. The ghost is said to have scratched her name on the window sill of the bedroom whilst occupied by the newlyweds - and the name can to this day still be seen there

Muchalls Castle, Scotland

muchalls castle, scotlandThe ghost of Muchalls Castle has one thing in common with many other haunted castles in Scotland. The ghost which is said to haunt it is that of the Green Lady!

The Green Lady's story is heavily intertwined with the trade of smuggling. Muchalls Castle by Stonehaven had a tunnel which was of great use to smugglers for it lead deep underground from the castle to the shore.

It could also be used as a storing place for wine and spirits in order to avoid paying excise. This was a highly popular pastime centuries ago! At high tide the cave at the end of the tunnel was always flooded and it was there that the Green Lady met her untimely end. She had apparently gone down the tunnel for a secret liaison with her lover who was due to meet her, arriving in a boat but somehow she accidentally fell into the sea and drowned.

One of the rooms in the castle is said to be haunted by this particular Green Lady.

Sanquhar Castle, Dumfries, Scotland

sanquhar castle, dumfries, scotlandSanquhar Castle was built in the 13th century but today stands only as a ruin dominated by a crumbling 4 storey tower A ruined hall block and gateway passage and semicircular tower also still remain.

The lands were originally the property of the Ross family, but passed by means of marriage to the Crichton family during the 14th century.

The Crichtons were created Earls of Dumfries in 1633 AD, but then in 1639 sold the property on to Sir William Douglas of Drumlanrig (later Duke of Queensberry).

The 1st Duke constructed a new castle at Drumlanrig, but after staying in it only one night, decided he preferred Sanquhar and moved back there. The family moved to Drumlanrig after the first Duke's death, and Sanquhar was then left to fall into ruin. In the latter part of the 19th century, the 3rd Marquis of Bute began the process of rebuilding Sanquhar Castle but this was halted when he died in 1900. Since then, the castle has been left to crumble away to the ruins which can be seen today.
Two ghosts are said to haunt the castle ruins. One is a mysterious "White lady", a beautiful young woman with long, pale tresses. It is generally thought that she is the ghost of Marion of Dalpeddar, who disappeared under suspicious circumstances in the 1590's possibly having been murdered by one Lord Robert Crichton. A woman's skeleton was discovered in a pit during excavations in the 1870s which might support this story. The other ghost is said to be that of John Wilson.

His story is as follows: John Wilson unfortunately got involved in a dispute during the late 1590s between Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick, John's master, and Douglas of Drumlanrig who was a friend of Robert Crichton, Lord Sanquhar and Sheriff of Nithsdale. It was probably out of sheer spite and vindictiveness against Wilsons master that Crichton falsely accused John Wilson of trumped up crimes and had him locked up in jail.

Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick of course protested Wilson's innocence but Crichton reacted in the extreme by having Wilson hanged. It is said that the ghost of John Wilson haunts the ruins of Sanquhar Castle and manifests itself by rattling its chains and moaning and groaning as an eternal reminder of the cruelty and barbarism of the castles former owner.

Wales There are only FIVE alleged haunted castles

Castell Coch - near Cardiff

Coch Castle - Wales

coch castle - wales
Castle Coch which means Red Castle in Welsh is perched high upon a hillside, located a few miles north of the city of Cardiff close to the village of Tongwynlais. With its impressive turrets, Castell Coch is very much a fairytale kind of castle.

The castle as we see it today was only built in 1870 AD, designed by the architect William Burgess for John Crichton Stuart second Marquess of Bute. The Marquess was one of the richest men in the world mainly through the mineral resources of his Glamorgan Estates and so the enormous cost of the project was not a problem.

This left Burgess free to create the beautiful palace which stands today as a reminder of the opulence and wealth of yesteryear. The William Burgess design even incorporated a fully operational drawbridge! Although Burgess died in 1881 AD, fortunately he had left clear instructions for the continuation of the restoration of the castle and these were completed 10 years after his death

Not very much is known of the history of the earlier original constructions on the site. The first probably started out as an earth and timber motte castle constructed possibly early in the 12th century. The next construction was probably built by Gilbert de Clare (who erected a series of large fortresses including Castell Coch and Caerphilly Castle nearby) and this is believed to have been triangular in shape with gently curving curtain walls connecting three towers. Sometime in the 15th century however Castell Coch was extensively damaged in a fire and the castle was left to go to ruin until the aforementioned complete renovation by the Marquis of Bute.

One of the ghosts of Castell Coch is said to be a ghostly 'White Lady' who is said to haunt the castle because her young son fell into a bottomless pool of water somewhere within the area of the castle and disappeared forever. Apparently his desolate mother never recovered from the tragedy and died of heartbreak. Her ghost is often seen walking around the castle apparently still desperately searching for her lost son.

Another story concerns the ghost of a Cavalier which several people have claimed to have seen. Legend has it that the Cavalier possibly hid treasure somewhere in the castle during the civil war and that his ghost returns to Castell Coch to make sure it remains safely hidden!

Powis Castle - Powys, Wales

powis castle - walesPowis Castle is perched on a rocky promontory above splendid garden terraces. Built in the 13th century by Welsh princes, it is a magnificent fortress which has been upgraded by many generations of the Herbert and Clive families.

This fine medieval castle contains one of the finest art collections to be found anywhere in Wales.

Alongside this, the castle houses a superb collection of treasures including sculpture, tapestries, furniture and carriages. One extra special feature at the castle is the Clive Museum which includes many fabulous treasures collected from India including textiles, ivory, bronzes and even a magnificent tent. The garden terraces mentioned earlier, were designed in the 17th century and they include many very rare plants.

There have been many reports of ghosts at Powis but probably the most famous spectre to have been seen in the castle is that of a gentleman who apparently made three appearances in one evening and yet was never seen again after that! The story as told goes as follows:

A lady of mature years who was a seamstress by profession was asked to do some work at the castle and given a small bedroom but what she was not told was that the bedroom was well and truly haunted. One night as she sat reading a Bible, a gentleman walked in the door stopping at a window to look out. After a while the gentlemen left the room and it slowly began to occur to the lady that he must have been a ghost as he had made no sound whatsoever when leaving the room.

After this unnerving experience, the lady began to pray but no sooner had she started to do so when the door opened once more and once again the gentleman was in the room but this time standing behind her. Again the gentleman turned around and walked out of the room without making a sound. Some time later, the gentleman came back into the room but this time the lady mustered the courage to ask him what it was that he wanted. The ghostly gentleman asked her to follow him and he led her to a small room where he directed that she lift up a floorboard and remove a box. Then he directed her to a crevice in the wall where the key was hidden. This box along with the key, she was to send to the Earl of Powis in London. The spectral gentleman assured her that if she did this then he would not appear again.

The box and the key were apparently duly sent by a steward to the Earl of Powis who was so overjoyed to receive it that he left instructions that the old lady should be well provided for for the rest of her days. These orders were carried out.

Other ghosts said to have been seen at Powis include a woman dressed in white who appeared in a bedroom and a ghostly spectre riding a horse in the castle grounds.

A time line study we have made of battles, sieges and significant political events in 13th century Britain starting with the reign of Richard I. We find these location and sites very good for ghostly and all forms of paranormal activity. You should give a battle site the once over for any good E.V.P investigation.Most of these location are far away from any real world interference's eg: motorways, housing estates. The only real problem you would come across would be nature and wildlife but we can all work around that!.
1199 AD
Richard I dies and Prince John is appointed King
1203 AD-1204 AD Siege of Chateau Gaillard by Philip II of France
1204 AD Loss of Normandy to the French
1214 AD
Battle of Bouvines
1215 AD Magna Carta and the siege of Rochester Castle
1216 AD
King John dies, Henry III in his minority and Prince Louis lays siege to Dover Castle
1217 AD
Battle of Lincoln
1224 AD Bedford Castle under siege
1227 AD
Henry III passes from his minority and becomes King
1258 AD The Barons Parliament
1259 AD Peace with France
1264 AD
Battle of Lewes
1265 AD Battle of Evesham and the death of Simon de Montfort.
1266 AD
Kenilworth Castle is under siege
1272 AD Henry III dies and
Edward I ascends to the throne
1277 AD First of the Welsh wars begins
1282 AD Second Welsh war
1296 AD First war with Scotland
1297 AD Edward I campaigns in Flanders and signs a truce with Philip IV of France
1297 AD
Battle of Stirling Bridge
1298 AD Second campaign in Scotland and the battle of Falkirk
1300 AD Third Scottish campaign and siege of Caerlaverock castle
1301 AD Fourth Scottish campaign.
1303 AD-1304 AD Fifth Scottish campaign
1305 AD
William Wallace is executed
1307 AD Edward I dies at Burgh –by –Sands in Cumbria. He is succeeded by
Edward II

Medieval Kings & Queens in England (1066 AD-1485 AD)

William I - 1066 AD-1087 AD
William II - 1087 AD-1100 AD
Henry I - 1100 AD-1135 AD
Stephen - 1135 AD-1154 AD

Henry II - 1151 AD-1189 AD - Special in depth feature: King Henry 2nd Richard I - 1189 AD-1199 AD - Special in depth feature: King Richard I (Lionheart) John I - 1199 AD-1216 AD - Special in depth feature: King John 1st Henry III - 1216 AD-1272 AD - Special in depth feature: King Henry 3rd Edward I - 1272 AD-1307 AD - Special in depth feature: King Edward 1st
Edward II - 1307 AD-1327 AD - Special in depth feature: King Edward 2nd
Edward III - 1327 AD-1377 AD - Special in depth feature: King Edward 3rd
Richard II - 1377 AD-1399 AD

Henry IV - 1399 AD-1413 AD
Henry V - 1413 AD-1422 AD
Henry VI - 1422 AD-1471 AD (Murdered 1471 having been deposed in 1461 AD)

Edward IV - 1461 AD-1483 AD
Edward V - 1483 AD
Richard III - 1483 AD-1485 AD

From 1485 AD to 1603 AD it was the reign of the Tudors. From 1603 AD to 1688 AD it was the reign of the Stuarts.

Blair Castle
Caerlaverock Castle
Caernarvon Castle
Conisbrough Castle
Conway Castle
Culzean Castle
Dover Castle
Dublin Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Hedingham Castle
Holyrood Palace
Inverary Castle
Inverness Castle

Lindisfarne Castle
Pembroke Castle
Raglan Castle
Rochester Castle
Sudeley Castle
Threave Castle
Urquhart Castle


As you can see there are a few to choose from. This why I love England & Europe as the history dates back 1000s of years unlike the USA of which is only in its 100s.

More Information Coming soon. For more reading click this link/
outstanding websites with great pictures and haunted informationTHANK YOU TO MEDIEVL CASTLES TEAM FOR OUR INFORMATION AND PICTURES

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